Swimming in London (Triathlon Training Day 81)
February 3, 2016Today was a victorious day…and I it was here in London. Waking early was really hard because of lack of sleep. Ran/walked to Virgin Active Gyms. Saw some cool building on the way.

They wouldn’t let me in without a friend. So I asked the next guy that came through the door if he would be my friend. He agreed and they let me start the paperwork.

Filled out form paid £15($21.90) Ouch. A lot of money but I really needed to swim. I’m very happy I did. You’ll see why a little later on.

Found the pool. It was very clean and elegant. I felt like I was swimming in a resort pool except that one end was 3.0 meters deep.

I ended up swimming 30 continuous laps and 36 total goal. This is huge for me because the farthest I’ve ever gone before was 13 continuous. I more than doubled my goal of 15. It felt really good.

Tedd was my lifeguard, and stand in swim instructor. He’s from New Jersey but living in England.

The hot tub had a hammer spout that felt great on my shoulder after swimming so long.

After the workout I ran back to the flat which is just under a mile and got ready for the conference.
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