Swim Win (Triathlon Training Day 74)
January 26, 2016Today was a really great training day. It started in the pool. I was bound and determined to set a new/ higher bar for myself today – 12 laps. 300 meters. For most seasoned swimmers this isn’t a big deal. They could probably do it in their sleep. For me the farthest I have swam is 11 laps. I know, I know – only 11 laps. If you recall from my earlier post I have a legitimate fear of drowning gained when trying to rescue my little brother when you jumped off the diving board.
Today I was bound and determined to make it a full 12 laps / 300 meters without stopping. We did our drills today:
- 100 meter set
- One arm kickboard
- Pool Buoy
- Fists of Fury
and my favorite
- See how far you can hold your breath underwater while only kicking ( I surprised myself and made it the entire length of the pool – twice).
Here is the picture.
You can see in the picture that I really tried focusing on keep my legs straight and not bending my knees. This helps so much.
After the workout was over Coach Marci said to do a cool down lap and with a glint in my eye I asked her if I could do 12. She surprisingly agreed and I went straight into my attempt. The first lap was easy enough. I always make it one lap. The second is usually where I fall apart but I used some advice from Coach Marci, James Keddington, and tried to make the water my friend. I kept telling myself stroke after stroke. “I could do this forever. This is easy. This is relaxing. The crazy thing is that it worked. I started to believe that just like running I just needed to get in my rhythm and everything would be just fine. I made it to lap 10 and Melissa Stratton was celebrating at one side of the pool. She had set a new P.R. for the her 100 of 1:36. I quickly congratulated her as I did the side stroke for about 10 yards. When I went back to freestyle my Zen state of meditation was gone. I was happy for Melissa but I was also sucking water through my nose and feeling that panicky burn that comes in the sinuses. I fought through and just breathed on my left side (my default) instead of both sides until I got the end and turned around. This gave me some time to regroup my thoughts and stabilize. I pushed hard down the lane for lap #12 and made it to the end. Coach Marci was excited and waiting to give me a high five when I hit the wall. Instead of coming up out of the water I turned for another length. I pushed harder than any of the other laps and made it one past my goal for the day.
Today was a great day.
P.S. When I went to do the Gym with Coach Shelby I got to do the Sledge Hammer which made the day even better.

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